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Person is siting in front of his laptop with BindIT on the screen

Unveiling Public & Products Liability on bindIT: A Game-Changer for Brokers

Berkley Insurance Australia (BIA) is excited to announce a significant expansion to its online broker platform, bindIT, by unveiling automated Public & Products Liability Insurance. With a focus on giving brokers more choice in how they interact with BIA, this expansion now offers brokers the convenience of access to Public...
Picture of Berkley Employees at a social event

Proud to be Awarded Top Insurance Employer by Insurance Business

It is with immense pride that we share our latest Top Insurance recognition with our valued brokers, partners, and most importantly, our team. We have been named a Top Insurance Employer by Insurance Business Australia. This honour reflects the collective efforts and dedication of each individual at Berkley Insurance Australia...
Woman looking perplexed at her computer.

To Notify or Not to Notify | Claims Notification

The subject of claims notification can be a challenge, significantly some vexing questions will be before the Court of Appeal and High Court in the not too distant future. It is a very tricky area for insurance brokers because two brokers with similar experience, or similar client books might give...
Elite Women 2023: Barbara Stenning Leading Claims

Elite Women 2023: Barbara Stenning Head of Claims

Berkley Insurance Australia is thrilled to announce that Barbara Stenning, National Head of Claims, has been recognised with the prestigious 2023 Elite Women in Insurance Award by Insurance Business. This commendation underlines her relentless dedication, unparalleled expertise, and significant contributions to the insurance industry for over 20 years. Stenning's unique...
Dictionary with the word defamation highlighted

Defamation Claims and the Protective Shield of Professional Indemnity Insurance

In an increasingly digital world, communication is both one of our most powerful assets and a potential liability. One unfortunate offhand comment or inaccurate statement about a person may lead to a defamation claim. This risk crosses professionals in multiple industries, however, the risk transfer may be managed by obtaining...
Berkley Australia Businesses Receive "Great Place to Work" Certification

Berkley Australia Businesses Receive “Great Place to Work” Certification

Berkley Insurance Australia (BIA) and Berkley Re Australia (collectively, Berkley Australia),  are proud to announce that they are officially certified as a Great Place to Work. The “Great Place to Work” certification is a prestigious recognition given to organisations that excel in creating exceptional workplace cultures. Berkley Australia’s certification was...
Confessions of an Underwriter: Jane Makin

Confessions of an Underwriter: Jane Makin

It's been said time and time again: no two days are the same. And nowhere does this ring truer than in the enigmatic world of underwriting. As a relatively new addition to the Berkley Liability team, Jane Makin is immersed in the thrill of constant learning. Each incoming submission is...
Insurer of the Year 2023

Brokers on Insurers | BIA Named Insurer of the Year

With gratitude to our brokers and partners, Berkley Insurance Australia (BIA) is delighted to share its achievement as the Insurer of the Year 2023 at the respected Insurance Business Brokers on Insurers Awards. This marks the third consecutive year that BIA has been honoured with this esteemed recognition, highlighting BIA’s...
drawing of hearts and people putting their hands up

Celebrating the Impact of the Community Underwriting Grants Program

Community Underwriting, an award-winning underwriting agency, continues to demonstrate its commitment to giving back to the Not for Profit Sector. With a unique business model and insurance security provided by Berkley Insurance Australia (BIA), Community Underwriting has been able to support numerous charity organisations through its annual grants program. In...