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Nerida Kearney

Meet Our Local Team | Nerida Kearney

Tell us a bit about being a BSO?  Well, I’m one of two BSO’s for the Brisbane office. Being a BSO is interesting as we see so many different queries & submissions.  There is a diverse range of applicants with their differing businesses. Some are really quite interesting & some...
Need more capacity as the market is hardening?

Insurance Market Continues to Harden with Capacity Dropping

As the market continues to harden one of the responses of many insurers is to reduce their capacity limit available on risks. Some insurers reduce their capacity from $20M to $10M or from $10M to $5M. This can cause additional work for brokers as they need to seek excess insurers...
Employment Practice Liability (EPL)

Employment Practice Liability under Management Liability Cover

Employment issues have become a key concern for business owners. This is because employers can be held liable for the decisions they make regarding employment, promotion and dismissal, the procedures they follow and the type of working environment provided for employees. Mistakes, oversights and miscommunication can happen even in well-run...
Why you need professional Indemnity(Two People discussing the paper in front of them)

Risk Management | Why is Professional Indemnity Insurance so important?

Risk Management for when you get it wrong. If your business provides professional advice or services to clients, then you’re most probably aware of Professional Indemnity Insurance. Professional Negligence – What happens when you give the wrong advice? Many mistakes are quite minor in nature and can be easily rectified....
SCTP Platform (robotic arm touching a heart)

Steadfast SCTP is the leading platform for General Liability

Berkley Insurance Australia joined the Steadfast SCTP over 12 months ago now and the take-up from brokers has been better than expected. The SCTP is an online automated underwriting platform where brokers can obtain quotes from a range of Insurers for different product lines.  Kirsty Owens, BIA’s National Portfolio Manager...
Product Liability Exposures for Online Retailers (women checking the product she had brought online)

Product Liability Exposures for Online Retailers

Online retailing is a growing trend which has substantially increased since the COVID-19 pandemic.  With easy access for consumers via online marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay, reduced overheads, and a wider market and customer base, sellers are continuing to move to online sales of their products. There are however...
Jamie Rojas

Meet Our Team | Jamie Rojas, IT Infrastructure Manager

Jamie started his passion for technology at a young age when he spent his spare time helping family and friends with their computer problems, even getting paid for it.  Not surprisingly Jamie ended up studying IT at university where he landed his first official IT job working on the support...
Employee Theft

Risk Management | Employee Theft and how to avoid it

Here’s some great risk management tips that all businesses need Surely the thought has flashed across the minds of most business owners at one time or another. What would I do if I discovered that one of my employees had been stealing from me? How would I confront them? What...
underwriter Valerie Keown

Stuck in a lift with an Underwriter | Valerie Keown

Our expert team of local underwriters are experienced and knowledgeable resources for our brokers. They may have risk superpowers however they are also human. Let's take you on a behind the scenes view of our Perth based Senior Financial Lines & Liability Underwriter Valerie. Tell us a bit about being...