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Professional Indemnity launches on Steadfast SCTP

Professional Indemnity launches on Steadfast SCTP

Automation with exceptional service was just the beginning for Berkley Insurance Australia (BIA) when joining the Steadfast Client Trading Platform (SCTP).  Now almost three years on, BIA continues to be the leading provider of standalone General Liability on the SCTP virtual marketplace and recently expanded its line to include Professional...
Sole Trader Management Liability (picture of a barber working)

Get to know Sole Traders Management Liability Insurance

What all sole traders need to know While Management Liability provides protection suited to corporations and small businesses, sole traders require a tailored Sole Trader Management Liability cover that suits their individual needs and exposures. When doing their research into all the different types of insurance cover available to businesses,...
What is the difference between a Letter of Appointment and a Letter of Authority?(person writing on the paper)

What is the difference between a Letter of Appointment and a Letter of Authority?

Letter of Appointment vs Letter of Authority There is always some confusion between a letter of authority and a letter of appointment, although they are very different.  Letter of Authority A letter of authority gives permission for the insurance broker to collect information from insurers on behalf of their clients...

Berkley Insurance Australia Partners with Frontier Global Underwriting to Offer Blockchain Insurance Cover

Berkley Insurance Australia (“BIA”) is pleased to announce a recent partnership with Frontier Global Underwriting (“Frontier”) to provide Professional Liability, General Liability, and Directors’ & Officers’ Liability insurance to the Blockchain industry.  Currently, insurance for Blockchain companies is very limited, if offered at all, due to the minimal understanding of...
image represent change from 2021 to 2022

Emerging Business Risks in 2022

Managing business risks in the COVID-19 era As vaccination rates around Australia continue to rise, restrictions are gradually being lifted.. Yet while we embrace our former freedoms, we cannot casually return to our old lifestyles and obliterate the nightmares of 2020 and 2021 from our memory banks. While we all...
Standing by our clients during challenging times: Spoonie

Standing by our clients during challenging times

At Berkley Insurance Australia, we are often amazed when we hear the incredible stories behind how many of our valued clients formed their brands. Many arise out of the painful personal experiences of their founding members, for whom the journey to building a strong commercial enterprise is anything but a...
image of supply chain industry

Are Businesses Ready for Arising Supply Chain Risks

Having a business has never been harder than in the past 2 years.  Already dealing with various lockdowns the emerging issue will be a lack of stock, especially in the lead-up to Christmas.  Now more than ever businesses need to be mindful of any supply risks that could affect their...
Stuck in a Lift with an Underwriter | Matt Rawle

Stuck in a Lift with an Underwriter | Matt Rawle

We are enthused to welcome our latest edition to the underwriting team. Matt Rawle will add another layer of success to our Facilities team with almost 20 years in the Insurance market. We know our coverholders are just as excited as we are to get to know Matt. Tell us...
Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest when making an insurance claim

The Conflict Game It is human nature that when things go wrong or you feel like you are or could be in trouble, you are inclined to turn to your family and friends for guidance or assistance. It is not dissimilar in the working world. When a business or individual...