General questions

Public & Products Liability

Professional indemnity

Medical Malpractice

Association Liability

IT Liability

Management Liability

bindIT support the fight against Children’s Brain Cancer

Addressing the Challenge of Children’s Brain Cancer

Cancer is an incredibly challenging reality of life for many families. And it is never an easy journey from diagnosis...
Confessions of an Underwriter: Chris Milton

Confessions of an Underwriter: Chris Milton

Ever wondered what it's like to be an underwriter? It's not your average 9-5 gig, that's for sure. Being an...
Get to Know Extensions: Adding Fidelity to Professional Indemnity (a red arrow pointing out one bad person out of all the good people.)

Get to Know Extensions: Adding Fidelity to Professional Indemnity

As an insurance broker, you are well aware of the risks faced by your clients, especially when it comes to...
Celebrating 1 Year of Professional Indemnity on the SCTP

Celebrating 1 Year of Professional Indemnity on the SCTP

Berkley Insurance Australia (BIA) is proud to celebrate its 1-year anniversary as a provider of Professional Indemnity on the Steadfast...
two business people shake hands

What is a ‘named insured’ and ‘interested party’

Every industry comes with its own jargon and terminology, but as an insurance professional, you’ll probably agree that ours seem...
Picture of a Berkley doing work on BindIT

Online Insurance Simplified with bindIT

With most of us slowly getting back to our desks for 2023 it’s time to start thinking about work again....