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Berkley Insurance Australia Announces Strategic Rebrand of Facilities Department to Partner Solutions

Berkley Insurance Australia (BIA), renowned for its innovative approach to insurance solutions for broker binders and underwriting agencies, is excited to announce the rebranding of its Facilities department to Partner Solutions. This change reflects their dedication to fostering strong partnerships with coverholders and providing tailored insurance solutions to meet their...
A business man working alongside an artificial intelligence cyborg in an office setting, depicting the future of work and the integration of AI in the workforce, generative ai

Technical Insights of Artificial Intelligence in Insurance

In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a critical driver of innovation, transforming operations and decision-making processes across various occupations. As insurance brokers, a deep understanding of AI's applications is becoming essential. Not only for enhancing risk assessment capabilities but also for maintaining a competitive...

BIA Continues to offer broad Management Liability

As a dedicated insurance broker, your goal is to provide your clients with broad and reliable coverage. Berkley Insurance Australia recognises this need and offers broad Management Liability solutions, including Entity cover or Organisational Liability, tailored to meet the evolving demands of your clients' businesses. Why Recommend Berkley Insurance Australia...
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The Complex Terrain of Labour Hire: Insights from Our Leaders

In the ever-evolving landscape of insurance, one of the most pressing challenges faced by insurers today is the surge in Public & Products Liability (PPL) claims, particularly those arising from labour hire. Berkley Insurance Australia's (BIA) CEO Tony Wheatley and National Underwriting Manager Matthew McPhee offer their invaluable insights into...
Professional taking notes in a book

Understanding Professional Indemnity Insurance: The Average Provision

Professional Indemnity (PI) Insurance provides businesses and professionals with cover for their liability for compensation arising from errors and omissions in connection with the professional services they provide to their customers. It is important for brokers and their clients to understand the level of cover provided by the chosen PI...
an image of a person with down syndrome serving customers

Community Underwriting Continues to empower communities in 2023

Berkley Insurance Australia (BIA) is delighted to highlight the achievements of its facilities partner, Community Underwriting, in their 2023 Small Grants Program. This program is a testament to their collaborative approach in supporting the Not-for-Profit sector, demonstrating how strategic partnerships can create meaningful impacts in communities. Community Underwriting's unique business...
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Professional Indemnity: What Are Policy Extensions?

Cover provided under a Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance policy can vary greatly in the market. When reviewing a Professional Indemnity policy, it’s important to understand the extensions the policy provides and their application. Policy extensions can be automatically included or they can be purchased as an option. Extensions are generally...
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Professional Indemnity Insurance: Reinstatement of Indemnity Limits

In this article, we will unpack the reinstatement of indemnity limits for Professional Indemnity (PI) Insurance. You will get a better understanding of the material role reinstatement can play in boosting the amount available to respond to claims made against the insured during the policy period, and why reinstatement should...
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Streamlining Efficiency in Liability Insurance Management

bindIT is a digital platform designed to enhance the efficiency of brokers in handling various liability coverages including Public & Products Liability, Management Liability, and IT Liability. The platform leverages technology to streamline the insurance process, making it more user-friendly and automated. Key Features of Public & Products Liability...