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Insurance Legality Q&A

Insurance Legalities | Your questions answered

Q 1: In the case of a partnership entity named “Brian Johnson and John Johnson”, is it ok to express the partnership entity name as “Brian and John Johnson”? A: When naming a partnership, it is always best to show “Brian Johnson and John Johnson” as in the example provided...

Are all sub-contractors covered in a public liability policy?

A sub-contractor is an independent third party who provides a service on behalf of an Insured.  Sub-contractors generally specialise on one particular service, and an Insured may engage several different sub-contractors as part of their overall offering to their customers. An Insured may also engage independent third parties to provide...
two tradies in front of their SUV

Risk Management – What you need to know if you are hiring trades

Hiring a tradie at your place this summer? Don’t risk using unlicensed and uninsured contractors As 2020 thankfully draws to a close, many of us will take a well-deserved break over the Christmas season.  Holidays always present a great opportunity to attend to those long overdue jobs around the house....
Community Underwriting news

Coverholder Community Underwriting announces 2020 Grant Recipients

Our Facilities Coverholder Community Underwriting has a unique business model where they allocate 5% of their annual surplus to clients that have renewed their insurances. Berkley Insurance Australia is proud to once again support the Community Underwriting grants program that has been running now for 7 years. National Facilities Manager...
Work Health and Safety(worker at a construction site)

Risk Management – Top 6 Work Health & Safety tips for your workplace

Have you ever stayed awake at night thinking about your business’s Work Health Safety standards? Workplace accidents are surely one of every business owner’s worst nightmares. Consider the long periods off work, increased workers compensation premiums and costly legal settlements. These are just some of the headache-inducing matters that employers...
factory manufacturing

Errors and Omissions and Product Recall Extensions – Do you know what’s covered in traditional Product Liability Insurance?

Errors and Omissions Manufacturers’ errors and omissions, along with product recall extensions, continue to gain traction within the commercial general liability insurance market segment. It is recognised that a variety of claims scenarios are not addressed by traditional Broadform or Public and Product insurance liability wordings in Australia. Whilst product...

Stuck in a Lift with an Underwriter | Kimberly Maisey

Kimberley! Tell us a bit about being an Underwriter? How long is a piece of string??  Haha! Essentially I’m a risk taker and considering it's the core part of my role, I need to ensure that I’m making the right decision and that I’m satisfied that I’m writing a good risk...
selective focus of employee and recruiter shaking hands near green plant

Why do Recruitment Consultants need Professional Indemnity Insurance?

One of the key contributing factors for any successful business is the talent they employ, which is why so many businesses invest and seek the expertise of a recruitment consultant. Businesses put their trust into the recruiter’s hands to provide a candidate with not only the appropriate qualifications and experience...
Legal Entity Name (regulation)

Legal Entity Names – The single MOST important part of an insurance policy

The first and single most important part of an insurance policy is to ensure the Insured name is correct. And that Insured name MUST be a full legal entity. If you don’t get the Insured name correct or the name you enter as the Insured is not a legal entity...