Management Liability Insurance


- Accountants
- Advertising agencies
- Aged Care Facilities
- Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing
- Architects & Town Planners
- Building and Construction
- Clubs, Pubs & Hotels
- Day Care Centres
- Financial Planners
- Funeral Directors
- Hospitals & Medical Centres
- IT Companies
- Insurance, Mortgage & Finance Brokers
- Manufacturing
- Media & Entertainment
- Real Estate Agents
- Recruitment Agencies
- Restaurants & Cafes
- Retails & Wholesalers
- Trades
- Transport Companies
- Travel Agents
- Warehouses & Distribution
- Public listed companies
- Financial Institutions
- Bio-Technology & Medical science
- Airlines/aviation exposed risks
- Telecommunications Companies
- Oil, gas and mining exploration and production companies
- Companies with over $100M turnover (but we may consider these on D&O)
Management Liability Insurance Fact Sheet
Management Liability Insurance - Policy Wording
Management Liability Insurance - Glossary of Terms
Management Liability Insurance Proposal Form
Management Liability Renewal Declaration
Employment Practices Liability - Addendum
Prohibition on Insuring WHS Fines - A Comparison of WHS Laws

Claims Examples
Important Notice
The examples above are examples only. You should read them only as a guide. They do not form part of any policy. Every claim is different. Berkley Insurance Australia always determines indemnity decisions and claim payments on an individual basis, after it has assessed the claim. Information provided is general only and has been prepared without taking into account any person’s particular objectives, financial situation or needs. Insurance cover and whether a policy responds to a claim is subject to the terms, conditions, limits and exclusions of the policy. When making a decision to buy or continue to hold a financial product, you should review the relevant policy documents.

Directors and Officers Liability Insurance protects the personal assets of company directors or officers against a claim made against them where they would be personally liable.

Professional Indemnity Insurance provides protection for your business against a claim made by a client alleging they have suffered a financial loss as a result of your negligence or a breach of professional duty from services provided by your business.

Public & Products Liability Insurance
Public and product liability insurance protects businesses from paying compensation to a third party in the event of personal accidents, injury or property damage resulting from any business activity and manufactured or supplied product.
Frequently Asked Questions about Management Liability Insurance
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