Legislation was introduced over 12 months ago requiring a director to verify their identity and receive a director identification number (director ID).

A director ID is a 15-digit number given to a director (or someone who intends to become a director) who has verified their identity with Australian Business Registry Services. Directors will only ever have one director ID. They will keep it forever even if they change companies, stop being a director, change their name, or move interstate or overseas.

The director ID regime is intended to combat illegal phoenix activity, which occurs when a new company continues the business of an existing company that has been liquidated or abandoned to avoid paying outstanding debts  – such as โ€“ taxes, creditors and employer entitlements.

Act Now

You need a director ID if you are a director or alternate director of a company, registered Australian body, or registered foreign company under the Corporations Act 2001.

When a director must apply for a director ID depends on the date you first become a director.

Date you first become a directorDate you must apply
On or before 31 October 2021  By 30 November 2022  
Between 1 November 2021 and 4 April 2022  Within 28 days of appointment  
From 5 April 2022  Before appointment  

Offences and Penalties

It is an offence to not apply for a director ID on time. This is a strict liability offence, which means it is not necessary for the regulator or prosecutor to establish intention to commit the offence.

A criminal penalty of $13,320 applies. A court can make a declaration for a civil penalty of up to $1.11m.

How to Apply

If you need a director ID, you can apply by visiting the Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS) website.

The ABRS website contains helpful information about applying for a director ID and the documents you will require to verify your identity.

ABRS – Director Identification Number

Directors and Officers Insurance

Important Notice

Berkley Insurance Company (limited company incorporated in Delaware, USA) ABN 53 126 559 706 t/as Berkley Insurance Australia is an APRA authorised general insurer. Information provided is general only, intended for brokers and has been prepared without taking into account any personโ€™s particular objectives, financial situation or needs. Insurance cover is subject to terms, conditions, limits, and exclusions. When making a decision to buy or continue to hold a financial product, you should review the relevant Policy Wording.